Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Last night, Joel and I found out that our dear friend and California free-spirit, Marley, died on Friday night. The redwoods mourn for the loss of his runs through their underbrush; he was full of joy and hope for everything he saw and smelled. We love you and miss you, precious one.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

How on earth could anyone have been reading posts in such a tiny font size? On to larger letters!

This video is me, every time I click, "New Post."

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Name Changer

Finally, a name for this blog with which I can be at peace. Whims are nifty and have their place, but this little title* has been my catchphrase for years (in my head). Comfort at last!

*Okay, Lupey is my darling sugarmuffinpuppy who lives with my parents, and who I miss so much it hurts my heart! I have a mission to get that little poophead living under my roof very very soon.